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 News Archive 2020

The DA in Megan Boswell's case says he will decide in May if more charges will be filed against her
by Nathan'ette Burdine: April 13, 2020

Megan Boswell will have to wait until at least May 8, 2020, to find out if more charges will be added onto the charge of lying to the police about what she knew about the disappearance of her toddler daughter Evelyn Boswell.

After being asked if the discovery of Evelyn Boswell’s body means that Megan Boswell will be charged with murder, Sullivan County District Attorney General Barry Stauber responded: “That will be determined, or known when we come back to court in May.”

Related-Investigators are still waiting on the autopsy report in the Evelyn Boswell case

The DA’s statement has given Megan Boswell’s court appointed attorney, Brad Sproles, hope that no further charges will be filed against his client.

Because, hey, everybody knows that in a case like this whereby everybody thinks the mother is as guilty as homemade sin of killing her toddler daughter that the DA would be rushing to the cameras, the microphones, and the Twitter to tell everybody that he has thrown the book at her. But…this case…nuh-uh.

DA General Barry Stauber has decided to get the hush mouth which is surprising considering the fact that he’s going around telling everybody that all of the alleged lies that Megan Boswell told about being pregnant and where her daughter was is why the charge of her lying is going on to the grand jury.

Here’s what the WJHL folks quoted the DA as saying, exactly, “And we intend to present her false report case to the grand jury in April.”

Now, I know that Judge James Goodwin has gagged everybody, telling them not to whisper a word about Evelyn Boswell’s autopsy report.

Related-Judge James Goodwin will hear Megan Boswell's attorney's request to reduce her bond

And I also know there are some of you who may see the judge’s gag order and the DA’s silence as their wanting to make the May 8, 2020, court date their big moment.

It’s just that things like murder charges against a mother who everybody believes is as guilty as the absentee mother who has the poison cup in her hand, tend to slip out to the press.

The fact that nobody from the DA’s office has leaked it out to the press that murder charges are a coming says that the autopsy results are inconclusive in determining how the Evelyn Boswell died; the DA is looking at someone else; or they are trying to make a deal to save Megan Boswell’s life because they agree with her public defender lawyer who says she’s “a mother who lost her child.”

It’s just that the tangle web of lies that that childless mother has allegedly woven says that she isn’t “a mother who lost her child,” but a mother who murdered her child.

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